Maxwell's demon creates a concentration gradient
Recent work from the Nitschke group, published in Nature Chemistry , has reported a functional example of Maxwell's demon. In this...
Photoswitchable Supramolecular Cage Allows For Selective Steroid Purification
Recent work from the Nitschke group, published in JACS , has been highlighted by Chemistry World magazine. The research led by Dr. Amit...
Porous ionic liquid wins C&EN Molecule of the Year!
We are very excited to learn that Lillian's ionic porous liquid has been crowned C&EN's Molecule of the Year, by popular vote. The work,...
Antiaromatic nanocage is C&EN’s molecule of the year 2019!
We are really proud that C&EN awarded the antiaromatic nanocage as molecule of the year 2019! Big thanks to everyone who voted for it!...
C&EN’s molecules of the year for 2019, please vote!
C&EN is taking votes for the molecule of the year 2019. Our antiaromatic nanocage is one of the candidates. If you like our cage, please...
Felix's and Larissa's review was featured on the cover of Nature Reviews Chemistry.
A recent review 'Strategies for binding multiple guests in metal–organic cages' (Nat. Rev. Chem. 2019, 3(4), 204–222) published by the...
Alex's paper was featured on the cover of Angewandte Chemie
A recent paper 'Fluorometric Recognition of Nucleotides within a Water‐Soluble Tetrahedral Capsule' published by the group has been...
“Molecular Submarines” ─ Edmundo’s paper highlighted by the RSC
A recent paper of the group has been featured in the Royal Society of Chemistry–News&Events. The article entitled “Molecular Submarines”...